Exploring Social, Economic and Environmental Determinants of Health

2nd Annual Virtual Conference:
Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities in Africa
JULY 16+17 2025
Hosted by:​
Centre for Children’s Environmental Health of South Africa
School of Public Health, University of Zambia
Break the Cycle of Health Disparities Inc.
The 1st Annual
BTC Africa (Virtual) Conference took place July 17-18, 2024
Scroll down for the Conference Archive

1st Annual Virtual Conference:
Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities in Africa
JULY 17+18 2024
Amanda Mbikwana
Centre for Children’s Environmental Health of South Africa
We are proud to launch the Break the Cycle Africa project to provide a platform for students from universities in Africa to showcase their research that breaks the cycle of children’s environmental health disparities at one or more points in the cycle.
We invited interested students (including those who have recently graduated) to submit research proposal for the Break the Cycle of Children’s Health Disparities Africa by for consideration.
Students at universities in all countries in Africa who have done research projects involving children’s health and the environment were invited.

Trainee Projects
Mwitwa Mugode
The University of Zambia, School of Public Health
Lead Pollution Exposure and Impact on Environmental Health
Napo Julius Molahlehi
University of Johannesburg
Assessment of blood lead levels and it's risk factors amongst primary school children in Maseru District, Lesotho
Charlotte Mokoatle
University of Johannesburg
Lead Contaminated Soil Exposure in Communities Nearby Mine Dumps Remain Harmful to Children’s Environmental Health
Sunnieboy Njikho
University of Johannesburg
Evaluation of the Prevalence of Schistosomiasis Amongst School-Aged Children in Low- and Middle-Income Communities: Ehlanzeni District Municipality, South Africa, 2015-2021
Hayley Kimberlynn Langley
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
The Influence of Training on Food Handlers’ Hygiene Knowledge and Practices in the National School Nutrition Programme of a Cape Winelands Sub-district Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa
Ammira Nyiko Mlangeni
University of Johannesburg
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Food Safety and Hygiene among Food Handlers in Primary and Secondary Schools: Nkowankowa Circuit, Limpopo
Francesca Raoelison
Brown University
Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Abuse for Youth and Children in Madagascar
Merisha Babulall
University of Johannesburg
Determining the Level of Food Safety Practices at Registered Early Childhood Development Centres within the Ethekwini Communities
Shalubala Goodson
The University of Zambia, School of Public Health
Cookstove Technologies and Children Safety; a Case of Indoor Air Pollution and Burns in Selected Townships of Lusaka
Beatrice C Mutai
University of Nairobi
Prevalence and Cofactors for Cognitive Stimulation Among Mothers of Infants Living in Nairobi, Kenya.
Angelina Uzor
East Tennessee State University
Climate Literacy and Children’s Health in Nigeria: Integrating Climate Literacy to Address Children’s Environmental Health Disparities
Onyinyechi Bede-Ojimadu
Kampala International University, Uganda
Exposure to Environmental (Chemical and Biological) Hazards and Children Undernutrition: A Scoping Review
Amarachi Paschaline Onyena
Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State, Nigeria
Lactational Exposure of Human Infants to Metal(loid)s: a Comparison Between Sub-Saharan Africa and Mediterranean Europe.
Keynote Speakers
The Impact of Rising Ambient Temperatures on the Physical and Mental Health of Children in Africa – Actions to Eliminate Threats and Improve Health
PhD (Preventive and Social Medicine)
Chief Specialist Scientist: Environment and Health Research Unit
Lead: Climate Change and Human Health Research Programme
South African Medical Research Council
Extraordinary Professor: Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology, University of Pretoria
Visiting Professor: Department of Environmental Health, University of Johannesburg

The Equity Lens: Implications for Environmental Health Research and Practice
Snr. Science Advisor
Policy and Analysis Division | Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights
US Environmental Protection Agency

Food and Nutrition Insecurity Amongst Children Across Africa
Director, Centre for Ecological Intelligence,
Faculty of Engineering
University of Johannesburg, South Africa

How is Climate Change a Threat Multiplier in Africa

Senior Vice President of Justice and Equity
Environmental Defense Fund.
Currently, she is implementing a strategy at EDF to integrate environmental justice into organizational processes, policies, and work around the globe.
Questions on project ideas or program details can be directed to our Break the Cycle Coordinator, Ximena Guillen at contact@breakthecycleprogram.org
or to Break the Cycle Director, Leslie Rubin MD at lrubi01@emory.edu.

Please register to attend the conference.
You will receive a zoom link a few days before the conference.
Programme Day 1
Programme Day 2
Program times are in GMT +2
DAY 1 – July 17:
Session 1:
Moderator: Leslie Rubin
10:00 am GMT +2 Opening and Welcome:
Amanda Mbikwana, Nosiku Munyinda, Leslie Rubin
10:15 am GMT +2 Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities:
Leslie Rubin
10:45 am Prevalence and cofactors for cognitive stimulation among mothers of infants living in Nairobi, Kenya
Student: Beatrice Mutai
Mentor: Professor Elizabeth M. Obimbo
University: University of Nairobi
11:05 am Breaking the cycle of emotional abuse for youth and children in Madagascar
Student: Francesca Raoelison
Mentor: William J Allen
University: Brown University
11:05 am Body Break
11:35 am Assessment of blood lead levels and it's risk factors amongst primary school children in Maseru District, Lesotho
Student: Napo Julius Molahlehi
Mentor: Dr. Thokozani Mbonane
University: University of Johannesburg
The Impact of Rising Ambient Temperatures on the Physical and Mental Health of Children in Africa – Actions to Eliminate Threats and Improve Health
Caradee Yael Wright PhD, Chief Specialist Scientist: Environment and Health Research Unit, Lead: Climate Change and Human Health Research Programme, South African Medical Research Council
Session 2:
13:00 University of Zambia and Break the Cycle Africa: Nosiku Munyinda
13:30 Evaluation of the Prevalence of Schistosomiasis Amongst School-Aged Children in Low- and Middle-Income Communities: Ehlanzeni District Municipality, South Africa, 2015-2021
Student: Sunnieboy L. Njikho
Mentor: Renay Van Wyk
University: University of Johannesburg
13:50 Cookstove technologies and children safety: a case of indoor air pollution and burns in selected townships of Lusaka
Student: Goodson Shalubala
Mentor: Nosiku Munyinda Sipilanyambe
University: University of Zambia, School of Public Health
14:10 Body Break
14:20 Exposure to chemical and biological environmental hazards and children’s undernutrition: a scoping review
Student: Onyinyechi Bede-Ojimadu,
Mentor: Orish Ebere Orisakwe PhD
Kampala International University, Uganda
The Equity Lens: Implications for Environmental Health Research and Practice
Onyemaechi Nweke DrPH, MPH, Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights, US Environmental Protection Agency
15:20 Summary of the Day: Nosiku Munyinda
15:30 Closure
Program times are in GMT +2
DAY 2 – July 18:
Session 1:
Moderator: Amanda Mbikwana
10:00 am GMT +2 Opening and Recap:
Samantha Lange
10:15 am Centre For Children’s Environmental Health
Amanda Mbikwana
10:45 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Food Safety and Hygiene among Food Handlers in Primary and Secondary Schools: Nkowankowa Circuit, Limpopo
Student: Ammira Mlangeni
Mentor: Dr Mpinane Flory Senekane
University: University of Johannesburg
11:05 The influence of training on food handlers’ hygiene knowledge and practices in the National School Nutrition Programme of a Cape Winelands sub-district municipality, Western Cape, South Africa
Student: Hayley Langley
Mentors: Prof. I Human & Prof J. Odendaal
University: Cape Peninsula University of Technology
11.:25 Body Break
11:35 Determining the level of food safety practices at registered early childhood development centres within the Ethekwini communities.
Student: Merisha Babulall
Mentor: Dr Samantha Lange
University: University of Johannesburg
11:55 Lactational exposure of human infants to metal(loid)s: a comparison between sub-Saharan Africa and Mediterranean Europe
Student: Amarachi Paschaline Onyena
Mentor: Orish Ebere Orisakwe PhD
University: Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State, Nigeria
Food and nutrition insecurity amongst children across Africa
Prof Michael Rudolph, Director, Centre for Ecological Intelligence, Faculty of Engineering University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Session 2:
Moderator: Leslie Rubin
13:15 Lead pollution exposure and impact on environmental health
Student: Mwitwa Mugode
Mentor: Nosiku Munyinda Sipilanyambe.
University: University of Zambia, School of Public Health
13:35 Lead contaminated soil exposure in communities nearby mine dumps remain harmful to children’s environmental health
Student: Charlotte Mokoatle
Mentors: Dr Nkosi, Prof Mathee
University: University of Johannesburg
13:55 Climate Literacy and Children’s Health in Nigeria: Integrating Climate Literacy to Address Children’s Environmental Health Disparities
Student: Angelina Uzor
Mentor: Dr. Mildred Maisonet
University: East Tennessee State University
11.:25 Body Break
How is Climate Change a Threat Multiplier in Africa
Dr. Margot Brown, Senior Vice President of Justice and Equity, Environmental Defense Fund.
15:05 Conference Summary: Samantha Lange
15:15 Wrap Up and Future Plans :
Amanda Mbikwana, Nosiku Munyinda and Leslie Rubin
15:30 Closure
Public Health: International Aspects on Environment and Health
This volume presents the set of Break the Cycle projects that look at the international stage. Environmental conditions and health disparities are universal and represent a challenge for our global village. We hope to see many more students assist with this program in different international settings. The students are, after all, our future; our work is a preparation for them to make the world a better place for generations to come.
Poverty, disadvantage, disease and disability are all global challenges. This global picture has been captured in the Millennium Development Goals 2015, which came out of the Millennium Summit in September 2000, the largest gathering of world leaders in history. We now have the UN Sustainable Development Goals to guide our efforts for the next couple of decades.